Friday, July 11, 2008

Married in Maui!

I've been Maui for the last two weeks and it was AWESOME.  My girl and I had our wedding ceremony on a beach in Kihei and our reception "upcountry" in Kula.  It was great being back on the islands, catching up with friends and family. 


For some reason, I feel energized... Maybe it was the Hawaii sun or may all those late night hacking sessions were finally catching up...  or maybe I'm just getting old :p ... but I feel good now! 


I was pretty much offline for the entire time, so if you've sent me an email within the past week  I'll eventually catch up on my email and respond, otherwise I'll SEE YOU IN VEGAS!!!


  1. Congrats, brother, welcome in the club :)

  2. Congrats man, happy life with your new wife ;)

  3. Congrats man, to both of you. Wish I would've been able to come.


  4. WOW! Congrats~~ I envy you~. i pray for you in order to make a wonderful life!

  5. awesome!!! congrats dude!!! that rocks....
    now get working on some baby billys.. need to make sure the Rios legacy carries on :))
